Contoh Soal Beserta Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA: Listening Activity 4

- 26 Oktober 2023, 02:30 WIB
Contoh Soal Beserta Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA: Listening Activity 4/Ilustrasi: @Pelajar Indonesia
Contoh Soal Beserta Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA: Listening Activity 4/Ilustrasi: @Pelajar Indonesia / - Bagi para siswa kelas 12, kami hadirkan jawaban terperinci untuk soal Bahasa Inggris pada halaman 61-66 Kurikulum Merdeka SMA, khususnya Listening Activity 4.

Ini merupakan panduan lengkap untuk mengisi celah kosong pada percakapan antara La-Ode dan Sri, seorang influencer media sosial terkenal, mengenai uang elektronik sebagai sarana pembayaran daring.

Kunci jawaban ini adalah jawaban soal Listening Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA halaman 61-66 Kurikulum Merdeka yang terdapat pada Activity 4.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal Bab 4 IPAS Kelas 4 SD: Menguji Pemahaman Tentang Energi dan Pergerakannya

Setelah mengerjakan, kalian bila memakai kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA halaman 61-66 Kurikulum Merdeka ini menjadi referensi untuk siswa belajar di rumah.

Soal & Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA halaman 61-66 Kurikulum Merdeka


Activity 4

Now, you listen to the recording again, while you are listening, try to fill in the blanks. Check your answers with your teacher after you finish filling in the blanks.

Listen to La-Ode’s podcast interviewing Sri, a social media influencer, about E-Money as a means for online purchasing.

One morning, in a Library Cafe, La Ode is interviewing Sri, a social media influencer.

La Ode: “Hello, guys. This is La-Ode, greeting you again from our podcast studio. Today is so special because I am interviewing a young famous social media influencer. Let’s meet our guest: Sri.”

La Ode: “Hi, Sri, How are you doing?”

Sri: “Hi, bro, I am good.”

La Ode: “I heard your social account has reached more than 700K.”

Sri: “Thanks.”

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Sejarah Indonesia Kelas 12 Halaman 198, Latih Uji Kompetensi SMA/ MA Kurikulum 2013

La Ode: “I feel happy for you.”

Sri: “Thank you again. It’s a blessing in disguise since it was pandemic two years ago. People have bought things online. My social media account was nearly just for my personal needs.”

Baca Juga: Latihan! Perhatikan Beberapa Pernyataan Berikut 1, Suatu Ekosistem Sekolah Memerlukan Keterlibatan dari Semua

La Ode: “Okay. you are invited to share your experience dealing with ... (1) platforms. Can you tell us how you came up with the idea of selling products online using your social media account and shifting from cash-based to cashless society?”

Sri: “Well, let me start from the reason why I decided to start my online shop. When I was a little girl back then, I remember saving my pocket money by placing it in a special rooster piggy bank, the silver rupiah coins collected into a pile full of coins. Did you know?”

La Ode: “Yeahhh. I used to place coins in it.”

Sri: “Then, I got my first debit card when I was 20. Later, I saved up money for a gap year, by working as a sales promotion girl in a supermarket, and I put the money into a savings account.”

La Ode: “So how did you make up your mind by starting your online shop?”

Sri: “Let me go on. Fast forward to 2019, I resigned as a sales promotion girl and tried my luck to sell things online as I started to have many followers in my social media account.”

La Ode: “I see.”

Sri: “As far as I know, at that moment, some people were familiar with going cashless. Sometimes, they use smartphones for payment with a QR code.”

La Ode: “Do you know how QR codes work?”

Sri: “Yes, I do. I learned it from a friend who works in a bank. He told me that once the QR codes are scanned, the online system would immediately ... (2) the exact amount owed from the payer’s ... (3). No ... (4) for cash and waiting for change. No swipe of a plastic card either. The transaction would take seconds.”

La Ode: “So, what do you think about their habits?”

Sri: “Frankly speaking, I was tempted. But there were a couple of reasons why I kept using physical money and avoided getting into ... (5) and e-wallets.”

La Ode: “What are the reasons?”

Sri: “Firstly, I felt it was safer. I wasn’t really aware of how electronic money would work on my smartphone and I feared it would somehow get easily ... (6) off. Having physical cash just felt safer.”

La Ode: “You think so huh? I was ... (7) once the e-money got siphoned off.”

Sri: “It did?!”

La Ode: “Yes, it even took me more time to get back using the e-wallet.”

Sri: “That’s horrible.”

La Ode: “Okay, tell me more about the story.”

Sri: “I feared that by moving to electronic payments and losing the greater friction of paying with cash, I would end up spending more.”

La Ode: “Yes, absolutely. It feels like we are losing physical transactions.”

Sri: “It’s weird, huh?! Do you think these fears are justified? As more and more people across the world ... (8) cash, these are essential issues to consider.”

La Ode: “Yes, they are. Yet, if we keep using cash, it seems that we are ... (9) behind.”

Sri: “That’s the point. For people who live in these increasingly cashless societies, the benefits of electronic payment are obvious.”

Baca Juga: Inilah Kunci Jawaban Sosiologi Kelas 11 Halaman 141-150, Uji Pengetahuan Akhir Bab 3 Konflik Sosial, Cek Yuh

La Ode: “What do you mean?”

Sri: “It’s very convenient. And this is the reason why I started my online shop. So, to me, it is like living in a world where you get all the benefits of spending, without the pain of paying.”

La Ode: “Yes, I can see that your online shop is emerging and getting big. I can sum up that as more societies move from ... (10) to cashless, the way we spend might change.”

Sri: “It does change. And not to forget that money will remain a governing force in the lives of humans.”

La Ode: “What an experience! That was a wise closing statement. Well, I am sure this is the end of our podcast everyone. Congratulations to you, hope your e-commerce platforms will inspire other young entrepreneurs out there. Keep inspiring!”

Sri: “Thank you, friend. It’s a pleasure to get invited to your podcast. Good luck to you too.”

La Ode: “Okay, guys. I’ll see you when I see you. Bye.”


1. e-commerce platforms

2. deduct

3. e-wallet

4. fumbling

5. e-payments

6. siphoned

7. flinched

8. shun

9. lagging

10. cash-based


1. platform e-niaga

2. mengurangi

3. dompet elektronik

4. meraba-raba

5. pembayaran elektronik

6. disedot

7. tersentak

8. menghindari

9. tertinggal

10. berbasis uang tunai

Demikian kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 61 62 63 64 65 66 Kurikulum Merdeka SMA, Listening Activity 4. Semoga bermanfaat.***

Editor: Siyam



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